Sexual Interference and How it Affects Your Ability to Consent

 Sexual Interference is a criminal offence in Canada. It is defined as any behaviour or act that may reasonably be expected to cause sexual interference with another person. This includes:

- touching someone sexually without their consent;

- having sex with someone who cannot consent because they are unconscious or asleep;

- exposing one's genitals to someone who cannot consent because they are unconscious or asleep;

- masturbating in front of someone who cannot consent because they are unconscious or asleep; and,

- making sexually explicit comments, gestures, threats, jokes, taunts, insults or sounds to someone who cannot consent because they are unconscious or asleep.

What is Sexual Interference?

Sexual interference is a crime in which someone touches, kisses, or does something sexual to a person who is under the age of 16.

Sexual interference is a crime in which someone touches, kisses, or does something sexual to a person who is under the age of 16. It can be committed by an adult or by another child.

The following are some examples of sexual interference:

-touching someone's genitals;

-kissing someone's genitals;

-showing pornography to someone who is under the age of 16; and

-doing something else sexual with or to someone who is under the age of 16.

Myths and Misconceptions About Sexual Interference

There are a lot of misconceptions about sexual interference. The purpose of this article is to clarify some of these misconceptions.

Myth: If a person is sexually assaulted, they will always remember the event vividly.

Truth: Some people who have been sexually assaulted may not remember what happened due to trauma or other factors.

Myth: If a person is sexually assaulted, they will always know that it was an assault and not consensual sex.

Truth: Sometimes people who have been sexually assaulted may not know that they were assaulted because they were unconscious or coerced into thinking it was consensual sex.

Myth: Sexual assault only happens in dark alleys or when someone is walking alone at night

Truth: Sexual assault can happen anywhere, anytime, to anyone and by anyone.

The Role of Social Media in Sexual Interference Cases

Social media has become an important information source for law enforcement agencies in sexual interference cases.

The role of social media in sexual interference cases is to provide the victim with a voice and a way to share what is happening to them.

Social media platforms have made it easier for victims to reach out and find support when they need it the most.


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